Michael's Obsevation & Explanation Of The Enhancement Process

The solar plexus is a complex network of nerves (a plexus) located in the abdomen.
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There are two types of sensors that are used in the Enhancement process. The main one is embedded into the table of the Cotyledon enhancement module and the NEST module. In this configuration, the whole studio shape becomes the sensor input while reading the Bio~Innergy field given off from the whole body and some of the field of others in the room. The total body Bio~Innergy field is mostly made up of the field generated by the Solar Plexus.

The second type of sensor can be used alone or with the table sensor. It is called the Pendant Sensor. The pendant is made to hang over the solar plexus. The solar plexus, also called the celiac plexus, is defined as a close bundle of nerve cells together with supporting tissue. The Solar Plexus includes a number of smaller plexus : Hepatic / Splenic / Gastric / Pancreatic / and Suprarenal Plexuses. Other plexus that are derived from the Solar plexus are: Renal / Testicular / Ovarian / Superior mesenteric / Inferior mesenteric plexuses. The Solar Plexus is located in the region just below the sternum and above the human diaphragm. The plexus consists of ganglia and a cluster of nerves while being the largest nerve center in the trunk of the body. This involves a large group of plexuses with subsequent involvement in controlling the functions of many internal organs. It has been referred to as the brain of the body. If struck here, it is referred to as having “knocked the wind out of me”. A massive amount of electric activity is present in this fist size plexus complex. The Solar Plexus is a major input/output port that is the center of psychic intuition, i.e., a vague or non-specific sensual sense of knowing, and a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being. We recommend you “listen” to it since this may help out in making better decisions in one’s life on many levels and also assist you in perceiving music on a level of great interaction. The pendant is designed to sense the frequency, intensity, density, and polarity of the free electrons given off of the solar plexus while the user experiences music. These Bio-Innergies are processed by an (A.N.N.), or, analog neural network, involved with the pendant sensor on the back. The output of the A.N.N. is sent to a Bio~Logic Algorithm Processor called a BSP (BioLogic Signal Processor), then the signals are processed. The music is enhanced and everyone feels musically happy.

Michael’s Creative Engineering Overview Of The Enhancement Process

From the dawn of time, man has sought to better understand both the inner workings and social side of himself. This quest for knowledge has taken countless forms, from the philosophy of the early Greeks, to contemporary psychological studies. Through the centuries, man has derived a myriad of ways for exploring the inner reaches of his mind. The medieval alchemist sought answers with primitive chemistry in much the same manner that modern researchers seek answers with the tools of advanced science.

In the past fifty years, or more, man has gradually turned from disciplined thought to technology, in order to aid him in his quest for self-understanding. The culmination of this trend was the biofeedback device developed over 30 years ago. By attaching an electronic device to one’s skin surface, psychologists were able to measure the increase, or decrease, in the number of electrical impulses generated in the body’s outer epidermal layers. A direct correlation to the amount of energy being produced by the psyche was discovered. By connecting a sensor array to a simple tone generator, a user could relax by listening to the tone while gradually learning the relaxation process via controlling this audio tone. When combined with basic techniques of imagination, users could also produce remarkable results in self-awareness and higher-consciousness.

The fascination with the biofeedback sensor principles faded because the technology, as a whole, remained stagnant. People wanted to electronically ‘tune-in’ to relax, but the process of relaxing to a continuous tone could be quite boring. Biofeedback technology was relegated to be used only in lie-detectors and a few electronics hobbyist kits. Until the introduction and utilization of our studio’s current proprietary software, there has been virtually no authentic sensory entrainment systems marketed utilizing one’s natural energies and music.

The Greek word for life is, “bios”. It seems appropriate that any software program devoted to the enhancement of ‘life’ be termed, “Bio-Logic”. Unlike its biofeedback predecessors, Bio-Logic does not consist merely of computer software. It is a segment of the following fundamental parts; a sensor, a host computer system, and software designed to translate the output of the sensors into data that is processed using algorithms for music. The system’s goal is, “bio-entrainment”, i.e., to create the environment and opportunity to achieve better control over his/her own “bio-static field”.

The term “bio-static field” requires further explanation. It is common knowledge that the human body functions essentially on electricity, much the same way a computer does. Even though much of our energy is supplied by nutrients contained in food, our nervous system is a network of highly complex electrical impulses. Just like any other body in space, or on Earth, we are all emitting free electrons in all directions. The density of this electron field is the highest just outside the corporeal body. Free electrons around our body are affecting that body’s own electromagnetic induction. Thus, we have a tangible, measurable free-electron field which constantly surrounds each and every part of our bodies. This is termed, a “bio-static field”.

Understanding the Bio-Logic system’s mechanics is critical for appreciation of its technical characteristics. The ultimate goal of the system is to control and harmonize the wax and wane of one’s own bio-static field. Maintaining this control allows for a better comprehension of the complex psychological, physiological and neurological changes which take place in the body. Bio-Logic™ is the first method of actually quantifying these changes and presenting the results in a tangible, concrete fashion. Unlike a typical, standard biofeedback system that works almost exclusively on physical characteristics such as skin temperature and nervous system impulses, Bio-Logic is a psychosomatic resonance system. The key word in this description is, “resonance”. Using a combination of music and algorithms produced by the Bio-Logic system, the post-mastering studio Enhancer is able to lock in to the ‘resonance’. The Enhancer is thusly able to bring the listener into higher states of consciousness.

The Bio-Logic™ Studio consists of four components. They are the Cubeoctahedron shaped frame & audio playback system, the Bio-Sensor, the BSP a computer. The bio-sensor is a non-invasive electronic device used to measure the bio-static field around a person. Unlike previous generations of biofeedback systems, the bio-sensor does not require direct physical contact with the body. This proprietary sensor, interacts with the bio-static field and not the physiological manifestations of a biofeedback session, (e.g., skin resistance, or skin surface currents ), relied on by earlier, less sophisticated technologies.

The bio-sensor is an analog device which allows direct interaction with a person’s biostatic field. Inside the sensor unit, is a highly complex array of bio-sensitive circuits, (also termed an analog neural network, or ANN ), which is specifically tuned to receive and translate energy pulses to the computer. Depending on the amount, frequency and amplitude of emissions to which the sensor is subjected, energy ‘pathways’ are burned into the sensor. This allows the sensor to tune itself into the primary person using the bio-logic system. Future, subsequent use by others elicits accurate responses as well.

Bio-Entrainment results in the listener enjoying an interactive, intelligent, intuitive musical experience. This is the future of developing a profound relationship between the artists, the artist’s creativity and their fans. The better the relationship, the more the music will be enjoyed. The sensors used in the Bio-Logic Studio are technically employed as, “artificial awareness” that processes the received information in its analog neural network before sending it to the Bio-Logic signal processor and custom designed computer software. The BSP regulates audio parameters & sound characteristics such as reverb, flanging, layering, delays, harmonizing, chorusing and a host of other acoustic special effects. The enhancement system that defines the Bio-Logic™ Studio is a hybrid of over 30 years of research and development into the maximum dynamic potential of music coined, "Dymaxion Music". This dynamic‘potential’ is realized by the listener effortlessly entraining with the enhanced post-mastered recording.